Ashley Kimble

The American pediatrics website found that children between the ages of 2 and 18 watch about 3 hours of TV a day. Next a National study that lasted 3 years reported that out of all the television programs the children’s shows had the most violent content. Cartoons are the ones with the most violent, statistics show that there are 20 acts of violence in an hour of an episode. Also that by age 18 children they will have watched 16,000 murders and 200,000 violent acts. This is dangerous because it’s hard for children to distinguish the real from the fake. It also shows that 70 percent of Americans are concerned with the standards that are shown on TV, and in movies. Children that are exposed to a lot of violence on TV usually have a hard time with moral reasoning. According to the article The Children, Adolescents, and TV 37 percent of parents reported times where their children were scared of a news story on television. When children watch TV majority of the time they are faced with 60 percent of violent scenes. With all the violence children see on television they may start thinking the world is a place full of bad people. Some children when they grow up may result in having weapons on them so they won’t be a victim of any violent act that may come their way. There are so many studies that show media violence and violent behavior have negative relationships with people. According to reports from the American Academy of Pediatrics 150,000 adolescents are arrested for violence.

Image result for tom and jerry    Image result for looney tunes

One of the Top 10 most violent cartoons is Tom & Jerry. This cartoon was full of violent acts between Tom the cat and Jerry the mouse. It was created by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera in 1940. I used to love this show was a kid but i can’t ignore the fact that they fought every episode and it was full of violence. Another show that was apart of the Top 10 most violent cartoons is Looney Tunes. This show was definitely full of violence. All of the characters for the most part fought each other. I even remember wondering what dynamite was for the longest. Between both shows you are made to laugh at the violent acts. The shows are made for you to see violence as something normal and in a way fun. A quote from an article on Psychology Today says, “Although the issue is often presented as controversial in the media, we have pretty good evidence that exposure to violent media does make children more aggressive.” What children watch definitely will effect their behavior.

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